Thursday, September 15, 2011

New Baby, New House, New Season

The past few months have been just plain CRAZY in our house. And today...resounding peace and gratitude for exactly where God has brought us. This is me being transparent, and giving ALL glory where its due - to God alone.

Early this summer, we knew two things: 1. We were ready to have a second baby 2. With the second baby would come the need for a bigger house.

Now, remember that I am probably one of the most impatient people you'll ever meet when it comes to big things in life. So basically, as soon as we got these directions from God to move in this new direction, I was ready. Let's do it. No waiting. Just go. Sell the house. Move to a new house closer to church. Have a baby. Boom. Done.

Yeah, so, it wasn't quite that simple.

We began our summer with an early miscarriage. Thankfully, I've never gone through this before, and I pray I never do again. It was a very difficult time, and gave me a deep, deep compassion for women and families who struggle with infertility issues. Through that process, I was told that some of my hormone levels were not what they should be. Though I was very hesitant to do so, I went on some prescription hormones for a short time, convinced this would help us to have a healthy pregnancy. After a few weeks (and some frustrating misinformation by my doctor's office), I elected to stop taking the hormones, and pray for healing. That week, on the {35-40 minute} drive to church, with a sleeping baby in the back seat, a strong, silent husband next to me, and Hillsong United playing on the car stereo, I heard from God. "I have healed you. Move forward." A peace washed over me. I didn't share this with anyone for several weeks. Through different seasons of life, I've learned that sometimes, when God whispers, it's such a peaceful, intimate thing to keep that between me and God for a season, as he gives me faith to believe the promises He is giving. Soon after that, I found out I was pregnant again.

Through everything that had happened with my supposed "hormone imbalance", I had decided to move to a new doctor's office. I went in 4 times over 3 weeks for blood tests to check every level and make sure this pregnancy would be a healthy one. Talk about fear. I have never known fear like I had for those weeks. Waiting on test after test, phone call after phone call. I would wake up in the middle of the night in thick spiritual battle over these fears. The Enemy was constantly calling out to me at night. "Something is wrong. This isn't a healthy pregnancy. Don't get your hopes up." Many nights I retreated to the bathroom with my iPhone and read scripture on my Bible app. Other nights, to be honest, I laid in bed and cried in fear. When we finally went in for the first sonogram, I was a basket case. They even noted that my blood pressure was high, which never happens to me. Though I was much earlier in my pregnancy than they'd thought (only 5 1/2 weeks along), we got to see the little speck on the sonogram screen. The doctor graciously zoomed in until I could barely see the flickering blue heartbeat in our tiny, tiny baby {so small, it was much too faint to hear}. It took everything in me not to burst into tears at that moment. {Don't let me fool you. As soon as the doctors and nurses were out, I was a crying mess of happy, happy tears.} To top it off,  I overheard the doctor and nurse talking, saying that my hormone levels were "perfect". Oh, thank you, our good God, for healing and protection. Baby Rieger is due April 17th, and we already can't wait to meet him or her.

As if that weren't enough, we had decided, in faith, to go ahead and put our house on the market. After several weeks of hard work getting it all put together and ready, we listed it. The listing went live on a Thursday morning. By the following Wednesday afternoon, we'd already had 6 house showings and had an official offer on our house. What?! Yes. God. Only God. Within two days, we had already put an offer on a new house.

Our new house! :)

So now, we walk into this new season. We are moving about 30 minutes down the road. We will be {much} closer to church, and farther from the little neck of the woods that Adam and I have both lived in all of our lives. It's really bizarre to think of not living in this area anymore, but we are so ready to walk into all that God has for our family in this new season of our lives!


Bon&Bud said...

This post left me in tears. I am so sorry about your miscarriage, but God is faithful! Buddy and I are both so very excited for you. The same day we heard the news about baby number two Buddy said "that is so weird, I was just wondering when they were going to have another baby!" I can't wait to read more updates about this exciting season!

Anonymous said...

Tori, what an amazing journey you have been on! I just love reading your post....congratulations on the new house and baby! Let's get together again before I go back to work (ugh!). xoxo

Courtney said...

What a beautiful testimony, Tori. As difficult as my miscarriages have been, you are so right that they are times of intimate walking with God and precious promises as He delivers from fear and shows Himself faithful. I love hearing how He spoke to you. I have lived those early weeks of fearful pregnancy and those happy tears of realizing that it really is going to be okay. You are precious in His eyes and He walked every one of those seconds with you. So thrilled for you in your pregnancy and move and delighted to see what else God has in store for your family during this season of change. Love you!

Amy G said...

Tori that is a beautiful story. You really did move me with your words. You are an amazing person and your family is truly blessed. This season will be a joyus one and a big congratulations all around!