Monday, January 9, 2012

This & That Tuesday

So I know I haven't done this since last fall summer, but it's Tuesday, so it's time for 'This & That'! Today, my 'this & that' list is going to come in the form of highs and lows. {Sidenote: I've always loved the movie The Story of Us, and they did this at their dinner table. Everyone had to go around and share their daily highs and lows. So cute!}

High: Laying in bed, catching up on DVR'd shows, listening to the rain outside.

Low: My Allie girl is sick. Pitiful sick. Coughing up a lung sick. She turned 2 just a little over a week ago, and I'm blessed to say she's never really had a cold. She's not sure what to think. She keeps telling me, "Mommy, I all done coughin'. Mommy, I blow nose. I sleepy again." Bless her little heart.

Poor baby snuggled up with all of her minky dot snuggly's watching
endless princess movies and episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

High: Spending the morning with Adam.

Low: Our morning together was spent at the OB/GYN for me to have my glucose test. Whoopee.

High: I am SUPER proud of myself because I only gained ONE pound in the past month. That's right, people. ONE pound. Over Christmas. Over Allie's birthday. ONE. One. That has to be the biggest high of my day. I worked hard for it, and it was nice to see the reward (over my pregnant belly) on the scale.

Low: Missing out on the second of three nights of amazing worship and preaching at Milestone Church. So thankful they have had live streams of everything for us to watch from home!

High: Resting and movie-watching with my girl - even if we're both sick.

Low: Coughing. Seriously. Ugh.

Let's end on a high note... Chicken Express. Hubby picked up Chicken Express for me on the way home from the doctor, and it was so good. {It always is, isn't it?} Mashed potatoes, biscuits, and too much chicken for me to eat. So yummy.

1 comment:

Bon&Bud said...

Great job on the weight gain... I am TERRIFIED to go this time... I think that I have gained like one a week =( haha.