I have struggled much lately to discover the position(s) of ministry God has for me during this season of my life. I recently read a friend's quote saying, "Don't sacrifice your family on the altar of ministry". There are so many things I'd love to be a part of: women's Bible studies, student events, VBS, one-on-one discipleship, and the list goes on. All of those are good things, but are they BEST during this season of my life? It isn't my desire to simply do what's "good", but what's "best"! 1 Corinthians 10:23 says, "All things are lawful, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful, but not all things edify."I want the things I do to be profitable, to edify. I want my daily life to be pleasing to God, a sweet aroma to Him.
As I've mulled over that quote for days on end, I wondered...wouldn't it be just as easy to sacrifice ministry on the altar of your family?
After much scripture-searching and prayer, God has been faithful to affirm, over and over, that my place of ministry IS my family. This was a hard realization for me, at first. With Allie being so little, it's difficult for me to see tangible ways I am ministering to her outside of meeting her basic needs. Yes, I read her "baby" Bible stories, play and sing songs of God's love over her, pray with her, and do my very best to empty myself out so that God can love her to His fullest capacity through me. In the day-to-day, though, those things don't necessarily make me feel like I'm really making a difference. They just seem like the obvious choices.
I so desperately want God to enable me to be the wife and mommy HE desires me to be. I think this past couple of weeks of sifting through scriptures, learning that "family" and "ministry" aren't two separate things, is pushing me forward in the right direction.
Though others can't see my ministry to my family day in and day out, that doesn't discount it. That ministry isn't any less valuable just because it's not in the spotlight.
I am so blessed to have so many examples of Godly wives and moms around me to look to as examples, and continue to learn from!
Wonderful post, very encouraging to read. Thank you for sharing what God is teaching you!! You have encouraged me to strive towards Him even more just by reading your post. Some ministry you have you may not always see :)
Thank you for that sweet encouragement, Jessica! It is always deeply meaningful to know God is using me even when I am unaware! Thank you for sharing that. Hope all is well with you guys!
Thank you for that sweet encouragement, Jessica! It is always deeply meaningful to know God is using me even when I am unaware! Thank you for sharing that. Hope all is well with you guys!
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