Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Happy 28, Adam!

Today is my amazing husband's 28th birthday. Our 7th birthday to have celebrated together. I never thought I'd say, "We met when we were both 20," and feel like that was such a long time ago.

I'm so very thankful that Adam is the complete opposite of most every boy I ever dated before we met. He's completely dependable, punctual, steady, predictable, and any other word that could be synonymous with 'security' for his wife. I didn't always have that. Security. Predictability. Dependability. Someone who was on my side no matter what. Adam is all of those things.

I so enjoyed our laid back celebration of him today. Gifts before he left this morning, 'Happy Birthday' texts throughout the day, and a relaxing dinner out for our family of 3 tonight. Predictable. Dependable. Secure.

Happy Birthday, love of my life.I pray God gives us many, many, many more birthdays to celebrate with one another...even if the thought of me turning 28 later this year gives me the heebie jeebies! :)

1 comment:

Erin said...

"I'm so very thankful that Adam is the complete opposite of most every boy I ever dated before we met." That made me giggle. SO TRUE! I'm so happy God gave you Adam. :)