Saturday, February 5, 2011

Snow Week

So forget snow days, we are wrapping up a 'Snow Week'! Oh my goodness, it has been the craziest weather ever!

Last Monday, Allie and I spent the day with Memaw eating out at Joe T.'s and playing at Memaw's house. It was so nice, especially after Memaw had an E.R. scare last weekend.

Memaw and Allie 

Memaw & Allie playing Patty Cake

We measured Allie Joy in the door frame where Memaw measures all of her
kids and grandkids. Such a special memory! I love it!

Tuesday morning, we woke up to temperatures well below freezing, and a blanket of white sleet and ice. No snow to be found, but lots and lots of ice. The noisy sleet even woke us up around 2 a.m. when it first started. It was so heavy and loud! Now, usually, when we see snow or ice, it is gone within 24 hours or less. The difference this week was that the temperatures weren't supposed to get back above freezing for FIVE days! Tuesday, we were awakened by a power outage. When the wind chill is around 10 degrees, this is not good. We did some quick research and discovered that the electric company had been forced to implement rolling blackouts. They were turning off the electricity for different areas all over the metroplex to "ration" the power. Crazy!

Allie Joy (and her adorable mittens) in the snow and ice.

Mama & Alliebean freezing our noses and toses off!
Daddy & Allie

Allie and I spent the whole rest of the week indoors. I came down with an upper respiratory infection starting Wednesday, and declared it "chicken soup, ice cream, and cartoon week" for the remainder of our snow days. Friday morning, after days on end of watching cars slide around on icy roads on the news, it finally snowed. Five inches! At least by then, if it was going to be brutally cold, it was pretty to look at.

Now, I can't wait to get well, so I can get out of this house!

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